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How do I receive money from abroad?

How do I receive money from abroad?


  • Hi Thea and thank you for your post!

    Make sure the remitter has the following information:
    • Beneficiary: Your name and address
    • Your IBAN account number, 24 positions
    • Bank name: Marginalen Bank
    • BIC address: MARGSESS
    We advise you to inform the remitter to use your IBAN account number for payments from abroad. You can find your account number in IBAN-format under account details in your internet bank.
    For international payments Marginalen Bank co-operates with Nordea, Denmark. If the remitting bank require information about our account holding bank, the BIC address for Nordea, Denmark is: NDEADKKK, which shall be stated as the intermediary BIC address.

    We wish you a continued pleasant day!
    Kind regards,

    Amanda Specialist, Kundservice

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