Företag lån

Hej, we're expecting over 200k in revenue from last month’s invoiced services and products. How much can we qualify for in a revenue-based loan to help maintain successful operations for this month?


  • Hello and thanks for your post!

    Marginalen Bank offers loans for companies. The application is digital and must be received by us before we can make a decision. You can find the application here

    The basic requirements for getting a loan from Marginalen Bank are as follows:
    • Documentation relating to the company's ownership structure 
    • Financial statements for recent years. 
    • A current business description 
    • Budget for the coming or current year Annual report (i.e. income statement and balance sheet) for at least 1 year. 
    • No payment note

    We wish you a continued pleasant day!
    Ellen M Handläggare, Kundservice
  • Hej Ellen! We hit over 200k Kr in revenue last month and have some returning clients we're working on new projects with! Can we go for EIF loan? Since we’re only 1.5 months in, can we look into a revenue-based loan? Thanks!
  • Hi Levi and thanks for your post!

    If you have a newly started company, you can apply for the EU loan - Start-up loan.

    You can find the application HERE

    In order to be able to apply for the Start-up loan, you need to go through the new business center and ask for a Campaign code.
    We wish you a continued pleasant day!
    Ellen M Handläggare, Kundservice

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